
Showing posts from 2017

Ideas! Ain't Enough Just Having Them

It takes not a college degree to acknowledge that ideas are great. Quite often, what is overlooked is the implementation of a noble idea -  the nitty-gritty of what it takes to make such novelty a reality. The process of bringing into being is tedious. Though exciting, it is sometimes boring. Sort of an oxymoron in description - excitingly boring or boring excitement  (haha 😇) if there is any such expression. I have always known 4D(s). I mean, I came to know or was taught of 4D(s). Determination, Dedication, Deligence, and Discipline. Thinking back, these were handy getting through medical school. As memories rush back, I remember that higher-class young man standing in front of my sophomore-year class, admonishing us on what it takes to make it through medical school. I think those words did reinforce my subconscious realizations. Or perhaps those lessons taught me the deal. I have come to hear of other Ds. Including Desire, and the Drive. However, the role and essence of P...

Many sides. Many views. One story.

It seems just a moment ago the year got started. Whew!! Time truly seems to fly. In the little time there's been both gain and not so gainful; joy and not so joyful; success and not so successful etc. The role of being a victor or the victim is both perceivable -- a many sided story of that which, there is no doubt, is part of a grander scheme. Oh, how may one understand and how may one know? Is one a victor or a victim here?  To His words one finds solace [1, 2, 3]. Therein lies the one story. The one story of ones purpose. The one story, eternally told, that gives meaning to the contemporary. The ancient tale of time, of time before, and time to be. What if it is otherwise? What if it isn't in the affirmative? It is ultimately good [4, 5]! Why isn't it always so good now? Why is there to be the 'not-so-good' to arrive at or appreciate the good? Perhaps much like the labor pain before the new-born's cry. Even though a 'cry', quite often attributed to...

Playing Catch Up...

Whew!!! How fast the month did just go by. Amidst many travels; for personal reasons, for friends, friends getting married, moving, helping friends move, etc, the days seem to zap by. It doesn't seem to be over yet though. Oh, it is the moving season -- that time of the year when locations, positions, statuses etc change. That time when uncertainties tend to pervade, faith exercised, and much grace desired. Counting the number of miles, I think I might be clocking over 3500 miles I've had to travel in as little as a month. I've had thoughts I'd like to put to pen and paper, but somehow didn't get around to getting these down -- perhaps these become part of those in my memory archive. It is easy to think one is expending oneself and ones resources for another.  Unsure to be repaid back. Unsure they appreciate it. Or perhaps we're standing in someones else stead in giving of the self and resources. Need we be paid back? Need we be bothered our expenditure isn...

Something about Learning a New Thing

There is something about learning a new thing - an unexplained excitement about a journey to discover the unknown. A journey to perhaps unravel a secret or knowledge of a previously known or unknown concept -- that which may be harnessed for the greater good. It often seems nature tucked away its many secrets. And the expedition to discover these, it reserved for the curious. Good thing excitement accompanies such voyage, else we won't bother. “It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things;             He knows what is in the darkness,             And the light dwells with Him."                                                   - Daniel 2:22 (NASB) "The secret things belong to the LORD our God,           but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever...

The Resurrection of Christ -- the Essence of our Faith

Herein is the substance of our faith. The meat of that which we believe. The essence of why we believe. The object of what we believe. And the strength of our believe. For had Christ not died, there wouldn't have been the forgiveness of our sins. Had Christ not risen, there possibly wouldn't have been a reason to believe. For He died. And, He rose! Hallelujah, He is risen! He is risen indeed!! 15 Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. 2 By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. 3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, 5 and that he appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve. 6 After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of t...

Getting Here...(2)

"But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book,  even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro,  and knowledge shall be increased." - Daniel 12: 4 It was the summer of the first or the second year of medical school.  With the exception of a few other students staying back for many other reasons, as medical students, we almost always stayed back while everyone else was gone for the break or holidays. Quiet, serene and peaceful. It was an almost perfect time and place to study uninterrupted. In addition to a near predictably triangulated and monastic lifestyle we settled into, we would meet in groups to fellowship and study the scriptures...

Schaeffer's "The Great Evangelical Disaster"

Schaeffer’s...concerns can be traced back to the Enlightenment by which man placed his ‘autonomous’ reason over and against the authoritative revelation of God in Scripture. It seems to be that in our day the same decision is forcing itself upon all us evangelicals: shall it be the Word of God or the thoughts of fallen humankind that determine our thinking and praxis? Were Schaeffer still amongst us today, he would doubtlessly have opted for the former. - Will Graham on Shaeffer's "The Great Evangelical Disaster" Reference:

Biochemical Designs? An Argument from Personal Incredulity.

...focusing on the complexity of biochemical designs is not a good starting point to build a case for a Creator. Why? On the surface, this argument seems compelling. But it is actually an informal fallacy called the “argument from personal incredulity.” Just because I can’t believe something is true, doesn’t mean it’s not true. Evolutionary biologists have in fact made many suggestions as to how complex systems could have developed through natural processes. Reflecting on the complexity of a cell can certainly inspire our wonder and worship, but to build the case for a Creator from biochemistry, there are much better starting points, including:  a critique of evolution,  the Watchmaker argument,  the empirical argument, and  the bioinspiration argument. - Dr. Fazale Rana

A Song Given...

Not very often is a song from a dream remembered. On this occasion, as a first thing on realizing I was in a dream, I made it a duty to immediately try to play the melodic tune at a very least and to pen it down (on a diatonic scale, in tonic sol-fa notation). It seems like a-three-beats (perhaps four-beats) per bar. I suppose the tonic " do " may be a " movable do ". When played, the  A-flat  rooted scale sounded most familiar to what I heard in my dreams. Although it sounds familiar, there is a perception of something new about it which I'm yet to grab a hold on. Ha, the words! Those escaped me. I thought I had some of it. Perhaps my concentration on ensuring I had the tunes down made them slip. m s l s m      C, E-flat, F, E-flat, C      r m r d         B-flat, C, B-flat, A-flat       m s l s m      C, E-flat, F, E-flat, C      m r m r        C, B-flat, ...

For I Have Many People in this City

Courtesy - It is technically almost a year since moving to a new city and a new state after a long time of being in Baltimore (Bal'more as fondly called), Maryland. It may almost seem natural to initially be skeptical -- the apprehension; the uncertainties; the subliminal but yet prevailing culture into which one is being teleport-ed; the spoken and unspoken rules; the self organizing groups, clicks, or cohorts; the politics, etc. of a new work environment and of a place to be called home. Standing at an almost one year anniversary and looking back, there are no regrets but gratitude for the great friends made and a community so glad to be a part of. Truly, He's got... many people in this city . 10 For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.”                                         ...

Getting Here...(1)

"For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the  glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea..."    - Habakkuk 2:14 (KJV) For many other graduating high school seniors, that was just a song. For me, it maybe wasn't. It was much more. I may try to go as far back as possible to where it'd began - where the pursuit of purpose began; to when as a little kid I'd first thought I would be a grand art master, an engineer, a scientist, a medical doctor, or the thought of being them all. For me, the day (termed "send-forth" as opposed to "send-off" day) we sang that as a song, one which I've not stopped singing, was the day I think I got a clearer sense of purpose. Those words, in particular, still play on my mind and in my thought like I just heard them -- like an audio track set to auto-repeat. Un-fallen off my lips, I murmur to myself time and again. My sight, I suppose, since that day, was tuned to seeking the glory of the Lord....