Ideas! Ain't Enough Just Having Them

It takes not a college degree to acknowledge that ideas are great. Quite often, what is overlooked is the implementation of a noble idea the nitty-gritty of what it takes to make such novelty a reality. The process of bringing into being is tedious. Though exciting, it is sometimes boring. Sort of an oxymoron in description - excitingly boring or boring excitement (haha 😇) if there is any such expression. I have always known 4D(s). I mean, I came to know or was taught of 4D(s). Determination, Dedication, Deligence, and Discipline. Thinking back, these were handy getting through medical school. As memories rush back, I remember that higher-class young man standing in front of my sophomore-year class, admonishing us on what it takes to make it through medical school. I think those words did reinforce my subconscious realizations. Or perhaps those lessons taught me the deal. I have come to hear of other Ds. Including Desire, and the Drive. However, the role and essence of Patience, Persistence, and Perseverance, shall we say 3Ps can definitely not be overemphasized.

29 Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.   
      - Prov 22:29


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