Playing Catch Up...

Whew!!! How fast the month did just go by.

Amidst many travels; for personal reasons, for friends, friends getting married, moving, helping friends move, etc, the days seem to zap by. It doesn't seem to be over yet though. Oh, it is the moving season -- that time of the year when locations, positions, statuses etc change. That time when uncertainties tend to pervade, faith exercised, and much grace desired. Counting the number of miles, I think I might be clocking over 3500 miles I've had to travel in as little as a month. I've had thoughts I'd like to put to pen and paper, but somehow didn't get around to getting these down -- perhaps these become part of those in my memory archive.

It is easy to think one is expending oneself and ones resources for another.  Unsure to be repaid back. Unsure they appreciate it. Or perhaps we're standing in someones else stead in giving of the self and resources. Need we be paid back? Need we be bothered our expenditure isn't appreciated? Something within me says it undermines what 'sacrifice' means, it ceases to be a gift, including the gift of ourselves to the world. Particularly the ones that make up our world. Need we be bothered that we're standing in someone else's stead in giving of ourselves? Something within whispers, "..that. sounds similar to Cain's response 'am I my brother's keeper?' to God when asked where his brother was".

Another month beckons in the horizon. The current one is far spent. Thank you, for the joy and grace to be part of lives -- the gift of friends and family, the provisions to be a blessing and a gift. Thank you for the hope of another day. With faith in our heart, Lord lead on, the year is still young.


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