Something about Learning a New Thing

There is something about learning a new thing - an unexplained excitement about a journey to discover the unknown. A journey to perhaps unravel a secret or knowledge of a previously known or unknown concept -- that which may be harnessed for the greater good. It often seems nature tucked away its many secrets. And the expedition to discover these, it reserved for the curious. Good thing excitement accompanies such voyage, else we won't bother.

“It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things;
            He knows what is in the darkness,
            And the light dwells with Him."
                                                  - Daniel 2:22 (NASB)

"The secret things belong to the LORD our God,
          but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever,
          that we may observe all the words of this law.
                                                - Deuteronomy 29:29

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter,
       But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.
                                               - Proverbs 25:2

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