Getting Here...(1)
"For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the
glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea..."
- Habakkuk 2:14 (KJV)
For many other graduating high school seniors, that was just a song. For me, it maybe wasn't. It was much more. I may try to go as far back as possible to where it'd began - where the pursuit of purpose began; to when as a little kid I'd first thought I would be a grand art master, an engineer, a scientist, a medical doctor, or the thought of being them all. For me, the day (termed "send-forth" as opposed to "send-off" day) we sang that as a song, one which I've not stopped singing, was the day I think I got a clearer sense of purpose. Those words, in particular, still play on my mind and in my thought like I just heard them -- like an audio track set to auto-repeat. Un-fallen off my lips, I murmur to myself time and again. My sight, I suppose, since that day, was tuned to seeking the glory of the Lord. Like something missing or hidden, though in plain sight (Psalm 19:1). Like a task one is called to, yet a finished one.
Much like sealing a purpose and a simultaneous call-to-task has it ever been when this other song come to mind -- one of which I cannot forget its chorus, or the passion with which the school's fellowship choir sang it on our "send-forth" day. A charge and a passionate plea at the same time.
So, go out and bless the world
For a lonely earth, a lonely
earth is waiting for you
I cannot remember the number of times we sang the verses and the choruses of these songs on that day. But I do know these have stayed with me -- imprinted onto my consciousness. Like God spoke and I heard him without a doubt. A purpose I suppose I garnered that day has been; to seek, find, and acknowledge His glory. And beyond that, bless the world with it (Romans 8:19).
glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea..."
- Habakkuk 2:14 (KJV)
For many other graduating high school seniors, that was just a song. For me, it maybe wasn't. It was much more. I may try to go as far back as possible to where it'd began - where the pursuit of purpose began; to when as a little kid I'd first thought I would be a grand art master, an engineer, a scientist, a medical doctor, or the thought of being them all. For me, the day (termed "send-forth" as opposed to "send-off" day) we sang that as a song, one which I've not stopped singing, was the day I think I got a clearer sense of purpose. Those words, in particular, still play on my mind and in my thought like I just heard them -- like an audio track set to auto-repeat. Un-fallen off my lips, I murmur to myself time and again. My sight, I suppose, since that day, was tuned to seeking the glory of the Lord. Like something missing or hidden, though in plain sight (Psalm 19:1). Like a task one is called to, yet a finished one.
Much like sealing a purpose and a simultaneous call-to-task has it ever been when this other song come to mind -- one of which I cannot forget its chorus, or the passion with which the school's fellowship choir sang it on our "send-forth" day. A charge and a passionate plea at the same time.
So, go out and bless the world
For a lonely earth, a lonely
earth is waiting for you
I cannot remember the number of times we sang the verses and the choruses of these songs on that day. But I do know these have stayed with me -- imprinted onto my consciousness. Like God spoke and I heard him without a doubt. A purpose I suppose I garnered that day has been; to seek, find, and acknowledge His glory. And beyond that, bless the world with it (Romans 8:19).
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