Biochemical Designs? An Argument from Personal Incredulity.

...focusing on the complexity of biochemical designs is not a good starting point to build a case for a Creator.

Why? On the surface, this argument seems compelling. But it is actually an informal fallacy called the “argument from personal incredulity.” Just because I can’t believe something is true, doesn’t mean it’s not true. Evolutionary biologists have in fact made many suggestions as to how complex systems could have developed through natural processes.
Reflecting on the complexity of a cell can certainly inspire our wonder and worship, but to build the case for a Creator from biochemistry, there are much better starting points, including: 

  • a critique of evolution, 
  • the Watchmaker argument, 
  • the empirical argument, and 
  • the bioinspiration argument.
- Dr. Fazale Rana


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