Soul Cravings (Book Review)

"Soul Cravings has its high moments. McManus’ ability as a motivational speaker and writer are evidenced in the many inspirational stories and pep-rally feel. But McManus substitutes philosophical and psychological ideas for biblical ones. In the end, he succeeds in identifying the true longing of our heart (cravings) but fails to point us in the right direction...He has opened the door in Soul Cravings to explore the true God but he has not taken his reader beyond the threshold."
– Gary Gilley,

It appears Soul Cravings highlights a potential fallout of extreme apologetics or a less than appropriately executed apologetics - a potential attempt to address eternal biblical perspectives from a finite, error prone lens. Apologetics is great and finding a common ground is awesome for communicating in Love and compassion. But falling prey to something less than the absolute "truth" undermines the gospel.

Prayer: Lord teach us your truth and let our message be nothing but your truth. Help us as we find a common ground for communicating your truth yet not substituting your word for that which pleases the hearer alone but that which brings your salvation and redemption nigh.

"Sanctify them by your truth, your word is truth"
  John 17:17 


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