Mr. Nouwen emphasizes that, to be a disciple of Christ, a disciplined life is essential. Discipline not in terms of control but rather an effort at creating spaces in which God can act. He centers his message on the story in Luke 6: 12 – 19; which tells of a typical Jesus’ day. The day started with an all-night of prayer followed by the appointment of the 12 disciples, and thereafter the going out to preach the Word, to heal and to care for the people. The essay describes the three disciplines of solitude , community , and ministry . Mr. Nouwen writes that in solitude [described as being with God] we discover that we are ‘beloved’ – that which enables us to deal with successes and failures without losing our identity. In the hub – a central anchor to all of life of solitude we discover the call to community; in solitude, we realize that we are a part of a family and want to lift something together Mr. Nouwen writes. Mr. Nouwen describes Community as...
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