The Chemistry of the Black Skin is Beautiful

The chemistry of the black skin is beautiful"
- Anonymous, circa 1991-96

Yes, it still is. Before I knew what it meant to be black skinned, I knew that. Not the kind of knowing that is about the biochemistry of melanin pigmentation nor of its physiology. But that kind called a knowing, like an intuition. The indescribable knowing of a thing that surpasses acquired knowledge. As a little kid, my mind comprehended that.

The events and antecedents in the past couple of days have brought this to the fore of my almost daily musings. I have always hoped it isn't true that there is enshrined this evil we see rare up its ugly head ever so often. This evil that pervades the fabric of our societies and communities. Even our sacred ones meant to model the "unity in Christ" are not spared -- indicating the depths of its reach. Oh the desperation of the heart of men and the wickedness thereof. Oh the continued need of a savior and of His redemptive grace, my heart yearns. And, oh Lord protect my heart, my quiet supplications; protect my heart from anguish and bitterness, protect my heart from the hate that has held many a hostage and further plunged humanity into chasms of darkness.

Amidst these all, I hear these words. Though still pondering its reassurance, soothing it is:

Because they cannot be you, they envy you
Because they cannot beat you, they hate you
Because they cannot comprehend you, they fear you

But, it matters not what they think, say or do,
You is you, and you is beautiful. Because
Black is beautiful,
For the chemistry of the black skin is (still) beautiful.

Paul Aiyetan
June 2020
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end." -- Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NIV)


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