Daddy, My Daddy...

Photo Credit: AP Photo

My Dad (Daddy-mi) -- the one phrase of ownership as opposed to being owned. Simply mentioned. Sometimes in a trivial way. But not in any less profound.

I still would like to live in that space where I believe you're not gone. That you're still here. That I could still call you up. Especially on this day - Father's day - to have our regular Father's day conversation. That I could still call your number when I get not a response from calling Mom's. It's been some days now. Although I feel much better these days, some days I still get those waves of emotions come over me like 'Harmattan' evening dew. Like a cold flush coursing through my veins. I still stare at your phone number when I scroll past, with an almost irresistible urge to dial. I don't know how long the emotional roller-coaster will persist. I am persuaded however, that it would keep getting better. Knowing you were a great man and assured of your being at a far better side of eternity gives me some peace. Knowing you now see beyond the ephemeral, and are now joined with the angels, watching over us brings additional consolation. Among the many lessons you taught me and I still hold dear include 1) Wealth isn't money 2) Fame isn't being popular 3) Wisdom isn't in the noise 4) A leader isn't he with the most money nor the one with the loudest voice 5) Success is ever attainable, reach for it 6) You also belong  7) There is joy in simplicity. And many more. I can go on and on. 

“That man is a success – who has lived well, laughed often and loved much, who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of children, who has filled his niche and accomplished his task. who leaves the world better than he found it, who has never lacked appreciation of earth’s beauty or failed to express it, who looked for the best in others and gave the best he had.” – Unknown


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