
Showing posts from February, 2017

A Song Given...

Not very often is a song from a dream remembered. On this occasion, as a first thing on realizing I was in a dream, I made it a duty to immediately try to play the melodic tune at a very least and to pen it down (on a diatonic scale, in tonic sol-fa notation). It seems like a-three-beats (perhaps four-beats) per bar. I suppose the tonic " do " may be a " movable do ". When played, the  A-flat  rooted scale sounded most familiar to what I heard in my dreams. Although it sounds familiar, there is a perception of something new about it which I'm yet to grab a hold on. Ha, the words! Those escaped me. I thought I had some of it. Perhaps my concentration on ensuring I had the tunes down made them slip. m s l s m      C, E-flat, F, E-flat, C      r m r d         B-flat, C, B-flat, A-flat       m s l s m      C, E-flat, F, E-flat, C      m r m r        C, B-flat, ...

For I Have Many People in this City

Courtesy - It is technically almost a year since moving to a new city and a new state after a long time of being in Baltimore (Bal'more as fondly called), Maryland. It may almost seem natural to initially be skeptical -- the apprehension; the uncertainties; the subliminal but yet prevailing culture into which one is being teleport-ed; the spoken and unspoken rules; the self organizing groups, clicks, or cohorts; the politics, etc. of a new work environment and of a place to be called home. Standing at an almost one year anniversary and looking back, there are no regrets but gratitude for the great friends made and a community so glad to be a part of. Truly, He's got... many people in this city . 10 For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.”                                         ...

Getting Here...(1)

"For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the  glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea..."    - Habakkuk 2:14 (KJV) For many other graduating high school seniors, that was just a song. For me, it maybe wasn't. It was much more. I may try to go as far back as possible to where it'd began - where the pursuit of purpose began; to when as a little kid I'd first thought I would be a grand art master, an engineer, a scientist, a medical doctor, or the thought of being them all. For me, the day (termed "send-forth" as opposed to "send-off" day) we sang that as a song, one which I've not stopped singing, was the day I think I got a clearer sense of purpose. Those words, in particular, still play on my mind and in my thought like I just heard them -- like an audio track set to auto-repeat. Un-fallen off my lips, I murmur to myself time and again. My sight, I suppose, since that day, was tuned to seeking the glory of the Lord....