
Showing posts from March, 2017

Getting Here...(2)

"But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book,  even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro,  and knowledge shall be increased." - Daniel 12: 4 It was the summer of the first or the second year of medical school.  With the exception of a few other students staying back for many other reasons, as medical students, we almost always stayed back while everyone else was gone for the break or holidays. Quiet, serene and peaceful. It was an almost perfect time and place to study uninterrupted. In addition to a near predictably triangulated and monastic lifestyle we settled into, we would meet in groups to fellowship and study the scriptures...

Schaeffer's "The Great Evangelical Disaster"

Schaeffer’s...concerns can be traced back to the Enlightenment by which man placed his ‘autonomous’ reason over and against the authoritative revelation of God in Scripture. It seems to be that in our day the same decision is forcing itself upon all us evangelicals: shall it be the Word of God or the thoughts of fallen humankind that determine our thinking and praxis? Were Schaeffer still amongst us today, he would doubtlessly have opted for the former. - Will Graham on Shaeffer's "The Great Evangelical Disaster" Reference:

Biochemical Designs? An Argument from Personal Incredulity.

...focusing on the complexity of biochemical designs is not a good starting point to build a case for a Creator. Why? On the surface, this argument seems compelling. But it is actually an informal fallacy called the “argument from personal incredulity.” Just because I can’t believe something is true, doesn’t mean it’s not true. Evolutionary biologists have in fact made many suggestions as to how complex systems could have developed through natural processes. Reflecting on the complexity of a cell can certainly inspire our wonder and worship, but to build the case for a Creator from biochemistry, there are much better starting points, including:  a critique of evolution,  the Watchmaker argument,  the empirical argument, and  the bioinspiration argument. - Dr. Fazale Rana